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Profile for Chad. Username @chad,


Inspired by the majesty of nature, a compulsion grew to capture and share some of the more wonderful moments I encountered.

Little by little, striving to understand the medium of photography and improve. I hope you enjoy them!

Joined on Jul, 2023. 65 posts. Followed by 40. Following 25.

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Chad . @chad,

I’m Chad, an aspiring landscape photographer. I love the outdoors and the moments I experience, so I’ve been trying to capture those moments as best I can. Figuring things out as I go, I’d love to do this full time.

#PortfolioDay #Photography

These are some of my favourites.

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Chad . @chad,

Some handheld shota of the Aurora out in the ‘burbs of Vancouver last night.

I’ll head up a mountain tonight and hopefully catch it properly!

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Chad . @chad,

I almost missed this sunset! I’d forgotten my camera in my truck and hooked back down to get out and right back up, this was the sun Tinhat mountain just as I arrived!

#sunset #photography

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Chad . @chad,

I’ve wanted to shoot this mountain VHF repeater during winter for awhile, and finally went up the other weekend. Avalanche conditions were high but the lines I chose for the approach were pretty good for the most part.

I camped on the plateau overnight and was given such a show of sunset and sunrise colours, not to mention the stars!

Which one is your favourite?

#photography #hiking

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Chad . @chad,

This is probably the neatest I’ve ever packed, with my tent and avi shovel inside. I have a specific photo I want to try before the snow goes.

14-30, 24-70, 35, and 70-300mm lenses, plus a star tracker which I’m excited to try!

The Icecubes app did a great job auto generating the alt text.

#photography #hiking

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Chad . @chad,

A composite of an ice climber from Saturday at Marble Canyon.

I’ll need to rework it to remove the rope, but I’m really pleased how this came out.


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Chad . @chad,

I had an absolute blast ice climbing. It was such a special feeling of quiet and connection being on the ice, something I will reflect on for awhile.

I didn’t have much opportunity to run around with the camera - and I forgot my tripod mount for the camera, so I ended up using my backup micro tripod and could only frame is horizontally.

I set the camera up for a timelapse, so I can composite multiple frames of a person climbing into one photo.

I didn’t have much time to frame the shots as well as I would have liked, and the camera has to be out of the way of belayers as well as falling ice debris - It had a close call with one sizeable chunk of fallen ice skating across the ground and making a near miss of the camera lens!

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Chad . @chad,

I went up at night because the mountains become intimate.

I intended to feel them first and experiment second. I’m excited with what I came away with.


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Chad . @chad,

Would've been ideal if it was snowing, but record breaking temperatures in Vancouver for December, so, rain.

My silhouette at sunset (above) and Mt Price from Garibaldi lake in a deep winter night below.

#photography #art

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Chad . @chad,

I have some work on display at a popup gallery on 5’th and main.

The person running it is kind enough to take prompt the works on display. It’s really something to see people you don’t know stopping and looking at something you created. Connecting with a person you’ll probably never meet, but sharing something.

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Chad . @chad,

Closeup from an image similar to the previous one, snow covered cliff face on the approach to a mountain peak, a single long exposure taken on a moonless night.


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